
















#5002T Circus
Train Set

#5002T Circus
Train made in only 1950. It was pulled by the #353 Circus
engine and contained two #643 Circus Flatcars and a #649 Circus
Coach. The set came with a #1 transformer, a #704 manual
uncoupler, 12 curved and 2 straight track sections, 14 #693
track locks, a #690 track terminal, and a set of cardboard Circus
punchouts and tickets.
#02-086 in the 1950 B. F. Goodrich
Christmas Catalog was the same set.
It is very rare to find
the complete set with circus cutouts intact. Such a set fetches
premium prices. (Picture courtesy of Ryan

Here are some
larger pictures of the four cardboard Circus punchouts. (Pictures
courtesy of New
England Toy & Train Exchange.)




Here's the
Circus Tent set up. (Picture courtesy of Kisers
Vintage Toys And Trains.)

#353 American
Flyer Circus engine made only in 1950. This one has cast
handrails; there is also an extremely rare version with wire
handrails. (Photo courtesy of Don Hasenzahl.)
different circus flatcars made in 1950-1953 shared the same
#643. The 1980 edition of Greenberg's Guide lists the known
The first, made only early in 1950, was a
yellow diecast flatcar with boxcar door guides to hold the
wheels of the trailers.

Early in
1950, Gilbert switched to a black-painted block of wood to hold
the wheels of the trailers. This version was made through
1952. (Photo courtesy of an anonymous donor.)

There was
also a red diecast flatcar with yellow lettering. None of my
books tells what year(s) this was made; I don't know whether it
might have come in some sets. (Photo courtesy of an anonymous

In 1952 &
1953, Gilbert made this flatcar on a yellow Plaskon (pressed wood)
base. (Photo courtesy of an anonymous donor.)
They also
made it on a yellow Bakelite base in 1952 & 1953.
you find a set with these later variations of the #643, it is not
an original 5002T set.

unpainted, unnumbered #649 Circus Coach made in 1950-1952.
It is somewhat hard to find. (Photo courtesy of an anonymous

The painted
version of the unnumbered #649 Circus Coach made in 1950-1952.
It is equally hard to find. (Photo courtesy of an anonymous
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direct transfers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very
If you or your friends have some American Flyer
trains and would like them to go to a nice home where they'll be
loved and cared for, this is the place! Email me:
theupstairstrain@yahoo.com. See my Wish
List for the
items I need most. Thank you very much.
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side of the coin, I post pictures from time to time on my For
Sale page of
surplus items I have for sale.
This gallery will continue
to grow and become more comprehensive as I collect more cars and
as visitors send me pictures of the cars I don't yet have.
If you have a car that you would like to share with the world,
email me a picture: theupstairstrain@yahoo.com.
here for a
list of the pictures I need to complete the Gallery.
books I am using for reference are listed in the Bibliography
page. All the writing
and all the pictures on this website are, however, my own, except
where cited. No copyrighted materials have been included and
all pictures provided by others are used by permission.
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